New Way To Grieve Collection

Tom Kranjac, Seascape Number 1, 2007, Acrylic on canvas, 18 × 12 7/8 in 


Purchase an art print or various home goods adorned with Tom Kranjac’s “Seascape Number 1” and a portion of the proceeds will be provided to Widows of Covid.


About the Cover Art


Tom Kranjac was a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst as well as an abstract impressionist and contemporary artist. ​The artist, Tom Kranjac painted this sea scape in 2015 shortly before he died. Comprised of vibrant blues, this painting depicts an ominous yet vividly beautiful sky reflective of the surf using almost opposite colors for each… The juxtaposition of colors communicates action and movement, unusual in static acrylic art form. The New Way To Grieve cover reflects the‘surfing’ of grief, the waves we survivors ride.

It is an honor to incorporate Tom's work in conjunction with this book.